Australia’s most bulldozing demolition unit return to discharge the ultimate payload in total low-end decadence that could really only have one title adequately sum up this album’s capacity for damage…
‘Brutal’ sees the band take their established framework of earth shaking grooves, jagged rhythms and repulsive vocals and shift the parameters further below the already subsonic depths and fine tune their lethal cache of auditory weaponry to create an even more sinister and monolithically dark version of their infamously crushing grindcore.This masterpiece is sure to widen The Day Everything Became Nothing’s corruptive reach and enable their cavernous cacophony to resonate deeper into the underground and spread more contagiously through the unprotected masses than this unscrupulous quintet has ever managed to before. And with their U.S. tour hot on the heels of ‘Brutal’s release, overseas authorities must waste no time in creating a contingency plan to halt the proliferation of this contraband contaminative agent and secure the population before more fall victim to ‘Brutal’s detrimental lure!